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Each year, Leadership Fellows propose and execute a project with the guidance of their Mentor. Learn more about current and past Fellows below. 



Sarah Bryant

American Mathematical Association 

Project Description: 

Creating a promotional plan that ensures broadened participation in AMS research, travel, support and professional development programs, especially among mathematicians and students at MSIs.


Mentor:  Aris Winger


Johanna Franklin

Hofstra University

Project Description: 

Creating a Research Network for computability theorists with marginalized gender identities & organizing a Research Collaboration Conference at a math research center.


Mentor: Karen Smith


Kevin Palencia

Northern Illinois University

Project Description: 

Implementing culturally responsive teaching practices such as active learning and contextualized mathematical problems to teach calculus courses at NIU.




Mentor: Juan Gutierrez

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Elizabeth Donovan

Murray State University

Project Description: 

Creating guidelines and info packets outlining how to make meetings, conferences, workshops etc. in the math/stat communities more inclusive.




Mentor: Kathryn Leonard

Math Formulas

Debbie Narang

University of Alaska

Project Description: 

Creating graduate math courses for secondary math teachers with a lens of equity and inclusion. This would be accomplished as a set of online modules focused on DEI and inserted into the graduate courses.


Mentor: Spencer Bagley


Terrance Pendleton

Drake University 

Project Description: 

Creating an Industrial Math Research Hub that allows students to work on practical applications of their liberal arts education in a “real world” setting. Emphasis will be placed on attracting a diverse class of students with limited experience/exposure to mathematics.


Mentor: Michael Young


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Lorena Aguirre Salazar

Valdosta State University

Project Description: 

Work on a project that aims at building community and belonging in Mathematics at Valdosta State University through group work and reflections.



Mentor: Kamuela Yong

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Kelly Bubp

Frostburg State University

Project Description: 

Leverage my multilevel leadership positions to foster the development and dissemination of equitable pedagogical practices through active and inquiry learning norms supported by sustainable learning assistant programs. 


Mentor:  Brian Katz

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Celisa Counterman

Northampton Community College

Project Description: 

Create an online training platform for faculty in STEM disciplines to introduce them to content specific technology and college orientation.



Mentor: Nancy Sattler

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Bree Ettinger

Emory University

Project Description: 

Lay the groundwork for substantive change in the climate, culture, and curriculum of the undergraduate mathematics program at Emory by analyzing our enrolments and majors, assessing policies and their implementation, and broadening faculty engagement in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts. 


Mentor: Maria Lorenz

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Nicole Infante

University of Nebraska Omaha

Project Description: 

This project will examine and revise first-year math placement practices with the goal of using institutional data beyond a single placement test score to help see the student as a whole person and better place them. 



Mentor: Scott Wolpert


James Kimball

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Project Description: 

Identify appropriate procedures and classroom policies that will foster and grow the best learning strategies for students coming out of remote learning.




Mentor: Kate Stevenson


John Osoinach

The University of Dallas

Project Description: 

Develop a faculty exchange program, where small colleges in Texas exchange a faculty member for a semester or year, with the goal of improving how small colleges teach mathematics and engage their students.



Mentor: Linda Braddy


Mike Brilleslyper

Florida Polytechnic University

Project Description: 

Lead an interdisciplinary team to reform and integrate first-year mathematics with other core STEM courses. 




Mentor: William (Brit) Kirwan

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Corrin Clarkson

Indiana University

Project Description: 

Create a five-year plan for increasing student success in mathematics general education at Indiana University.




Mentor: Jim Fowler

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Susan Crook

Loras College

Project Description: 

Running, evaluating, adapting, and possibly extending quantitative reasoning simulations set in local, real life situations for a lower level math course.



Mentor: Rick Gilman


Emily Evans

Brigham Young University

Project Description: 

Organize an applied mathematics conference for undergraduates with a special focus on women and other underrepresented minorities. 





Mentor:  Aaron Luttman


Brendan Kelly

Harvard University

Project Description: 

Shift math education across the country from an exercise in gatekeeping to a transformative student experience that allows students to better understand the complexity of the world.



Mentor: Michael Dorff


Brittney Miller

Coe College

Project Description: 

Work to find effective interventions for students in our introductory mathematics courses that will improve retention and student persistence in the department. 




Mentor: Jenny Quinn

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Robin Pemantle

University of Pennsylvania

Project Description: 

This proposal creates a teaching community via an annual workshop extending throughout the academic year, including classroom visits, discussions of readings, collaborative lesson planning, and creation of video content for purposes of pedagogical training.


Mentor: Roger Howe


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Nathan Alexander

Morehouse College

Project Description: 

My project will focus on the development of a community data hub which will focus on examining, communicating and advocating for more justice-oriented data practices and frameworks that inform them. This project is being co-led by students and faculty from the Atlanta University Center (AUC), as well as local community members.


Mentor: Rachel Levy


Edgar Fuller

Florida International University

Project Description: 

My project would increase the interaction between teaching and research faculty using discussions about classroom interactions with students in order to cultivate a new vision of student capabilities. 


Mentor:  Ricardo Moena


Dandrielle Lewis

High Point University

Project Description: 

For my project, I will create a Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous Math Month Summer Program that focuses on math training and mentoring of Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous middle school students, high school students, and undergraduates.


Mentor: Deanna Haunsperger

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Stephanie McCaslin

College of Southern Maryland

Project Description: 

I propose to improve the pass rates of Black/African-American students through an in-depth analysis of the curriculum, teaching modalities, texts and materials, and support structures.


Mentor: Linda Braddy

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Victor Piercey

Ferris State University

Project Description: 

I will work on two anti-racism initiatives in mathematics: one will be a reading group in my department and the other will be an MAA task-force appointed by CRAFTY.



Mentor: Cindy Wyels


Daniel Reinholz

San Diego State University

Project Description: 

I will create a framework for attending to disability justice in mathematics education.




Mentor: Sandy Ho


Katherine Stevenson

California State University - Northridge

Project Description: 

This project will build resources for and explore the feasibility of offering a hybrid dual enrollment college credit math course offered as a collaboration between the CSU and high school districts that lack fully credentialed teachers. 


Mentor: Uri Treisman


Thomas Wakefield

Youngstown State University

Project Description: 

We will replace YSU’s remaining developmental mathematics course with a coaching model where small groups of students work to improve their mathematics skills under the guidance of a student.



Mentor: Michael Dorff

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Kamuela Yong

University of Hawaii -         West O'ahu

Project Description: 

We will be building a community for Indigenous people in math by bringing together all Indigenous peoples.


Mentor: Pamela Harris


Jayadev Athreya

University of Washington

Project Description: 

Create and empower a new standing Indigenous Engagement Committee at PIMS, to help PIMS support Indigenous-led initiatives in the mathematical sciences.




Mentor: Mark Green


Brian Katz

California State University - Long Beach

Project Description: 

I am working to build a sustainable, regional community for faculty who are moving their own teaching and the cultures of their departments toward inquiry and other student-centered pedagogies.


Mentor: David Bressoud

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Maria Lorenz

Temple University

Project Description: 

The goal of my project is to create 2-credit co-requisite courses for our entry level mathematics courses that lead to calculus.




Mentor: William Ysla Velez

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May Mei

Denison University

Project Description: 

I will lead the inaugural Cohort of New Chairs (CoNCh) program at Denison University, which will meet regularly to discuss the specific concerns and interests of new department chairs.


Mentor: Rick Gilman


Patrick X. Rault

University of Nebraska - Omaha

Project Description: 

Create a five-year strategic plan that will set the Communities for Mathematics Inquiry in Teaching (COMMIT) Network on a path to be self-sustaining.



Mentor: Stan Yoshinobu

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Ksenija Simic-Muller

Pacific Lutheran University

Project Description: 

For my project, I wish to energize my department to recruit and support a more diverse student body into the major, and to improve access to and success in mathematics for all students.


Mentor: Suzanne Doree


Zsuzsanna Szaniszlo

Valparasio University

Project Description: 

The goal of the project is to help the Chicago Regional Alliance for Minority Participation find its footing by facilitating discussions among faculty, building connections and providing logistic support for programmatic ideas.


Mentor: William (Brit) Kirwan

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Brett Wick

Washington University -          St. Louis

Project Description: 

The goal of this project is to address training opportunities that impact both the Master's and PhD programs through participation in local and national programmatic opportunities for interdisciplinary research opportunities.


Mentor: Tara Holm

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Support for TPSE Math is provided by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York.

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