Career Prep in Grad Programs
Graduate Programs face evolving landscapes for recruitment, admission, diversity and academic plus career advising. This report from TPSE and the Rutgers Education and Employment Research Center describes how a sample of sixty departments are handling these challenges.

Preparing Math Majors for Careers
Every department wants to support math majors and make sure their graduates are ready to succeed. This new report from TPSE and the Rutgers Education and Employment Research Center details the best practices to achieving that goal, especially for students seeking careers in industry.
Their report includes an Executive Summary, followed by six briefs that focus on specific promising career-readiness practices from math departments across the country:

How to Support and Lead the Urgent Transition
to Quality Online Learning in Intro Math
Math departments are moving introductory math courses online at scale, presenting both opportunities and challenges. This report aims to be a resource for department chairs, academic administrators, and senior leaders involved in course delivery decisions. It includes resource suggestions for online teaching and learning, but is not a “how to teach online” guide.
TPSE Math partnered with Ithaka S+R on a project to develop, test, and scale new models for entry-level math instruction. The resulting report was published in November 2019, and an article about the results appeared in Campus Technology.

Careers Outside Academia
In response to a shifting job market, TPSE Math and its partners work to provide helpful resources and insights for both university departments and students, alike.
A TPSE primer on careers for mathematicians outside of the academy prepared by a working group from the TPSE Graduate Education Math Advisory Group.

A list of resources for underrepresented mathematicians.